Best Shipper- Fanart about the couples in a certain programme (out of Buffy/Angel/Charmed/Tru Calling)
Best Wallpaper- Wallpaper size 800x600
Best Character- Fanart based on a certain character (out of Buffy/Angel/Charmed OR Tru calling)
Best Episodic- Fanart based on a specific episode (out of Buffy/Angel/Charmed OR Tru Calling)
Best Seasonal -Fanart based on a specific season (Out of Buffy/Angel/Charmed OR TruCalling)
Best unusual- Fanart that is unusual in a specific way
Rivalry awards- Fanart based on the rivalry between two characters(out of Buffy/Angel/Charmed or Tru calling
Judges choice-Judges overall favourite piece of Fanart (ALL UP FOR NOMINATION)