Ok here is the Fanart challenge
Its based on the friendship between Buffy and Faith (which is probably no friendship at all)
Youll have to adjust the picture size to suit your Graphic
Font: Anything other than cursive romantic) as that wouldnt go with the graphic
colour:Anything that suits you
Logo(whats to be written on it)(small as its quite a long quote)
Buffy: See, I didn't think this was a popularity contest. I should have equal time to bake them cookies, braid their hair...
Faith: Learn their names.
the writing can be anywhere on the page itsup to you, just be creative with the tools you have on your graphix maker
Use the pictures below(you dont have to use all of them just so you have a variety)
good Luck-Once you have made it just nominate it as you would normal Fanart just instead of choosing the categories just
write Challenge(where it asks 'Categories')